Assistive Technology Resources

Assistive Technology

Here you will find information about the various Assistive Technology (AT) the district employs to meet the unique needs of our learners.

What is Assistive Technology (AT)?

Assistive Technology is defined as any device or items that can be used to increase, maintain, or improve the capabilities of individuals with disabilities (Individuals with Disabilities Act {IDEA} 2004).

How do Students Qualify?

Decisions regarding AT to meet a student's needs are generally made by IEP teams.  The teams are comprised of an array of professionals knowledgeable about the student as well as the vast assistive technologies available.  The team reviews the assessment results including the student's needs, skill levels, and adaptive abilities, as well as a student's willingness to engage with technology.

How are Students Assessed to Determine if They Require AT?

A good assessment matches a person with a disability to the best assistive technology and usually requires more than one type of assessment.  Each assessment looks at specific things based on the individual's needs which may include augmentative communication, mobility, environmental control, recreation, or computer access, and many other areas.

Who Performs the AT Assessment?

No one person can do an assessment for all needs, so a team of specialists is usually required.  All team members work closely with one another and each team member makes a unique contribution.  Not all specialists need to be available for a particular assessment.  An Assistive Technology Assessment is not a norm-referenced, standardized instrument, rather is it made up of inventories, observations, and compilations of a student's school history and standardized evaluations.

Who Makes the AT Decision?

AT decisions are made by the student's IEP team.

Team members may include but are not limited to:
The individual with a disability, family members, or caregivers
Special and general educators of the individual with a disability
Speech Language therapist
Occupational therapist
Physical therapist
Augmentative Alternative Communication specialist
Architectural Engineer
Assistive Technology specialist

Source: Increasing Capabilities Network (ICAN)